How To Massively Increase The Eyeballs On Your Business In 1 Hour (and it doesn’t include a single social media post)

The topic today is one of my fave marketing tactics due to its simplicity. It is not new, it is not super fancy, ANYONE can do it regardless of how much marketing skills you have and it is FREE. It ticks so many boxes.

So what is it?

It is called GUESTING!

  • Guesting is a tactic that involves you being a guest on someone else’s podcast, webinar, event as speaker or even contributing a guest blog or content. It is basically a way to get in front of a lot of new eyeballs all at once – people that have likely not heard of you before!
  • That’s what makes it so powerful – the simplicity of it.
  • Consider the numbers for a minute
  • If you can get in front of just one new audience each month then you can amplify your reach significantly. Eg you present at an event with 100 people at it. Several of those might refer you to mention you to people they know so it has a flow on effect.
  • You can share your guest experience on your blog, in an EDM to clients or in a podcast if you have one (wherever it is relevant)
  • This shows potential collaborators that you are open to this, are capable of it and new opportunities come from it
  • Compare that to focusing on spending hours creating Facebook content to a handful of people that might actually see it. Consider how long it would take you to get in front of that many people for a significant amount of time and have them ACTUALLY see your message
  • Of course, you can certainly share your guesting experience on your socials as it will be quick and easy to do and helps to build your personal brand. But the purpose of using this tactic is so you don’t have to spend huge amounts of time to generate leads on social, so take that into account

How do you start with guesting?

  • You need to consider who has a similar audience to you but is a complimentary business (non competing)
  • If you are on lawyer targeting small businesses than partnering with an accountant with a similar target makes sense
  • If you are a graphic designer, reaching out to marketers, website designers, brand specialists, etc
  • If you’re a hair salon, partnering with a beauty therapist is totally obvious

That one-hour guest webinar your run gets you seen and allows you to showcase your expertise.
Speaking on stage for 1 hour or being part of a panel gets you seen by more people.
Spending an hour to write a guest blog puts you in front of new people.

Small amount of time – bigger outcome for effort on the back end.
You get seen by MORE people than you will on social (organically)

Guesting allows:

  • more of the right people to get to know you
  • More of the right people to hear you area of expertise
  • More of the right people to engage with you and your content
  • More of the right people to join your community post event
  • Build connection with more of the right people

Then post webinar, Podcast, event etc, there are usually opportunities to get people to connect with you. Offer them a free PDF if they give you their card, or 15 minute consult or some organisations will share the list of attendees.

Why it works so well?

  • Scalability of your message
  • Reach more eyeballs in less time makes business sense
  • Ability to leverage new opportunities from it
  • Time for effort pay off
  • Trusted expert

Guesting takes a little bit of initial work up front but the time you take will reap some rewards for the effort you’ve applied to it.

You can see that the upfront work pays off and has bigger dividends for your marketing time.

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– Tanya

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