Get More Content In Less Time With This One Simple Hack

How much time do you spend creating content? If you are like many business owners, it is way too much time. But there is a simple thing you can do which means you can spend way less time and getting more content. Do you want to know what it is? Then listen and you will find out.

Today we are talking about a simple way to hack your content creation time and get more for less.

I call it the 3R content strategy – Repurpose, Recycle, and Reuse.

Repurpose an existing piece of content into different styles and formats.

Recycle an old piece of content.

Reuse it again at another point in time.


Repurposing content is when you take an existing piece of content and slice & dice it into other types of content.

For example, turning a blog or article into a video, then various social media posts, an email newsletter to your database, a podcast, or a LinkedIn newsletter. The one article is used in different ways, sometimes turned into short form content then shared on multiple channels.

Why do this?

  1. People like to consume content in different ways.
    1. E.g: prefer to listen, read or watch
  2. It is smarter – instead of creating 10 new pieces of content you are taking that one piece and sharing it in different ways which means less time needed.
  3. People that don’t see it in one format might see it in another.
  4. Allows your content to live longer and be seen by more people.


Recycling content is when you take something old and give it a new lease on life. It is the upcycling of the digital world. A simple example is taking an old blog from a year ago, updating the title, the image, and any stats, making minor changes with some of the text if needed, and CTA’s then uploading it again on your website then sharing across your marketing channels.

Ideal for evergreen content that doesn’t date.

Why do this?

  1. Allows you to reuse quality content that got good traction and engagement the first time around
  2. A big chunk of your audience won’t remember seeing it being and IF they did it, it’s a good reminder of your expertise, service…. Whatever you are offering
  3. Fresh content without spending ages creating it

I’ve done this with my content and my clients’ content to give us a longer life span and reinforce a particular message.


Reusing content is as the name suggests – taking content you have already shared and using it again, sharing it again. You should be sharing your LinkedIn posts multiple times, including blogs more than once in your newsletter (maybe as a sub article).

Position it as a flashback, a replay, or a DID-you-miss-this?

Why do this?

  1. Allows you to reuse quality content that got good traction and engagement the first time around
  2. A big chunk of your audience wont remember seeing it being and IF they did it, it’s a good reminder of your expertise, service…. Whatever you are offering
  3. Fresh content without spending ages creating it

Listen to the full episode as I share how you can take ONE piece of content in slice & dice it into 15 pieces of content in different formats.

I am going to use a blog as an example as many people have these so it will be relevant to more listeners.

If you use the Repurpose, Recycle and Reuse strategy not only will you get more content in less time, you will not send your self crazy or be stressed out thinking about how you are going to create so much new content to ensure you get the consistency you need.

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