Focus on Marketing You Love

If you are like so many business owners and you are mentally exhausted and totally over social media marketing right now, you are going to love the message I have to share in todays episode. I am going to share something that is hopefully, music to your ears. So if you hate marketing on social media, this is the sort of marketing you need to do instead. Keep listening to find out more

Here are 3 things you need to consider when you are planning your marketing strategy.

1. You need to play to your strengths

What are you more naturally good it? For some it might be writing. Others it could be talking on camera. Everyone is different.  There is no ONE right way or answer.

So if you like love writing you could focus on more writing centric tactics as these will feel easier and more enjoyable for you. Example: Blogs & writing for guest blogs, email marketing, creative direct mail pieces, articles on LinkedIn.

If you love being on camera, then filming video content for YouTube or doing Live videos on LinkedIn may feel good for you.

You understand what I mean about playing to your strengths?

If you feel a sense of dread or will procrastinate forever when you think about setting up a Facebook ad or creating a reel, or having to write a blog, then don’t do them. There are so many other marketing options for you that won’t fill you with a sense of dread and that you will be excited to action.

2. Focus on marketing you love

It makes sense that we are going to gravitate to marketing that we enjoy doing.

We are only human after all.

As I highlighted previously, we are all naturally good at certain tasks and you are not going to be good at everything. When you are good at something and you enjoy doing it, you are MUCH less likely to avoid it and actually do it. It won’t constantly move off your To Do List and you be excited about it.

Now that is a feeling you want to harness and embrace.

3. Do marketing that aligns with your values and how you feel

Personally, I have felt a misalignment with marketing on Facebook and Insta for a while for a few reasons:

  • So many scams on both channels
  • A lot of fakeness
  • Felt too hard
  • I didn’t have time to keep up
  • Lack of interest in keeping up
  • It felt like chore
  • I didn’t love it anymore
  • Emotionally exhausted – It made me feel ugggghh!

I now prioritise what’s most relevant for my clients and ditch the rest as it becomes too overwhelming.

So I decided from all the marketing tactics I could do, I wanted them to feel more natural and to my values and how I was feeling.

Since I made the shift in my business to use much less social media and focus on other channels, I feel lighter and happier when I spend time marketing my business and I feel the same for my clients.

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– Tanya

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