Interview with Andrew Griffiths: The power of words for marketing (how to use the stage and books to sell)

Andrew has been in business since he was 17 years old in various industries. He has written 14 best selling books, spent countless hours wowing people from stage and is a passionate entrepreneurial futurist.

You will have heard Andrew or read his articles on INC, Huff Post, Sunrise, Flying Solo, CBS, Sky News, TedX and many more. His content is focused on helping build small businesses of substance.

Andrew fell into writing organically answering questions for small business owners. After having the same conversations, he realised that business owners had the same issues in business.

He is a commercial author and unapologetically writes to make money in his business.

Andrew shares the many benefits that books have for business owners:

  • Sales
  • Exposure to new audiences
  • New opportunities for speaking, writing and media opportunities.
  • His books are seeds and gives him many away with the goal of turning them into speaking opportunities
  • Every opportunity he has had let to him writing and sharing a book with someone
  • Writing the book is the easy part, promoting it is one of the hardest and is a continuous process. He has done much of this without using social media.
  • Your book can help you become the ‘go to’ person in your industry
  • Always be leveraging your book including to gain opportunities to present on stag
  • When he started speaking he had ‘imposter syndrome’ and felt enormous pressure to deliver. He soon realised that he put this pressure on himself and that he didn’t need to know everything. He had a perspective and shared his real-life stories.
  • Writing a book reversed his lead generation activity. Now he has a waitlist of people wanting to work with him.
  • The opportunities a book and speaking on stage brings is huge and he can filter quality leads that are a good fit for him

I strongly suggest booking Andrew’s books and if you get a chance to work with him and hear him speak. He always leaves me inspired and I know he will do the same for you.

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